Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hi! I'm Jonathon M. and I am in your 5th period English class.
I'm a freshman frackie.
I can enjoy all subjects if the material is interesting, but I particularly enjoy math and social studies/history. I would consider myself an overachiever, but I don't think that's a bad thing. As for English class specifically, I really am fine with anything besides just being lectured or being forced to do busywork. I don't prefer reading or writing--they both can be interesting. As far as favorite books, I would struggle to name just 1 or 2. Right now I'm reading The Count of Monte Cristo and am enjoying it immensely.
I really don't have much free time...but when I do, I enjoy playing computer games. I don't have any favorite movies or TV shows.
As far as other hobbies, I really enjoy baseball. I don't play it any more, but I do enjoy watching it. I'm a diehard Cubs fan, but I suppose I can get along with Sox fans for a year since both teams are so bad. I also enjoy watching other sports. As far as college sports go, I'm a Notre Dame fan. I also like math and have been on the math team here at Whitney Young for 2 years and made it to the state championships last year. I have played the piano for 9 years and continue to do so.
I'm really looking forward to a great year.