Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm thankful for a classmate...

I'd like to start out by saying that I'm very thankful for this whole class and all of my peers in it. It's been a fun first three months of the year.

But I am especially thankful for one of my classmates, and that is Jennifer Pang. She has been a great peer editor for all of my writing throughout the year, and while I don't always agree with what she says, I think she has helped my work develop. I thank her for all of her comments, suggestions and ideas. They've really been a big help. Additionally, she is a great writer herself. I have never struggled to learn things from her writing.

She is also a great group member. She makes group works more fun and always shares great insights on the readings we're discussing. It has been a lot of fun to work with Jennifer throughout the year in English II.

We don't share any other classes, but we do see each other on the math team. Having her on the math team is a lot of fun. She brings a lot of energy to the team and is always ready with a joke.

Finally, it's nice to have someone like Jennifer who will always remind me what our English homework was if I happen to forget.

Thanks Jennifer!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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